Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Picking Strawberries

Last weekend Robby woke up and said he wanted to take the girls to pick strawberries.  We have never done this as a family and Robby had never done it. I had when I was a child in Virginia.  The girls loved it!
They did a great job of only picking red strawberries.
There were over two acres of strawberry plants, all with tons of ripe fruit.  Yet, the girls still walked up and down the rows looking for the "right" strawberry.
I have decided that Catherine will likely never be a migrant worker.  Within six minutes of picking strawberries, she started complaining: It's too hot, My back hurts, I can't find any good ones. 
 See how big the fields were?
We drove an hour to get there and in 20 minutes picked 12 and a half pounds of strawberries.  We have been eating as many as we can this week, and I am not sure if we'll get them all eaten before they go bad.  The girls still talk about how fun it was, so I guess it is worth it.

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