Monday, January 24, 2011

Catherine's Desk Work

In an effort to record more of Catherine's desk work, here is some of the worksheets she did recently. We trace the months and days of the week a lot:

Here is her G practice:

Due to several factors (she never used utensils for eating and the damage chemo drugs can do on toddler nerves), her writing skills are delayed. That is why we push worksheets so much - to give her extra practice.

She wanted to make a Cinderella sticker collage:

In this cut-and-glue exercise, she had to arrange the pictures in the correct order to show how a pumpkin grows. It is supposed to develop so-called critical thinking skills. She must have been wearing a Cinderella costume at the time, because that is the name she wrote on the paper.
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Jamie Hamrick said...

Cinderella rode in a pumpkin!

Victoria said...

Funny, I never made that connection until you pointed it out. Maybe that is why she got Cinderella on her mind.