Wednesday, May 30, 2012

BTFC Fashion Show

The Brain Tumor Foundation for Children recently held a fashion show in conjunction with its annual "Taste of Hope" gala.  The show starred several brain tumor children and several siblings who walked in memory of their sisters and brothers.  It was fabulous!  Here are all the models, in their Baby Gap clothes:
 Here are the same kids, making silly faces:
 They let siblings join in the group picture to make some silly faces:
Why do children love making silly faces so much?  That is one of those activities that (for me at least) completely lost its fun at about age 10.
 Sabrina and another boy danced on the stage before the show began.
 Sherry Samuels introduced each child as they walked up to the stage.  Here comes Catherine:
 Catherine danced, curtsied, and waved to each side of the stage:
 She loved her moment in the spotlight:
We are so happy to be able to help the BTFC with their fundraising efforts. Putting a face with the term "brain tumor" makes such a difference!

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