Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hot and Cold Posters

Yesterday Catherine did tons of work sheets, practicing her writing skills and her addition. After about an hour, she asked for a "cut and tape" activity. Luckily, I had one which I had found on the Internet a long time ago which was ready.

This project consisted of cutting up a bunch of clip art and making two posters: one of hot things, and one for cold things. The majority of the items Catherine knew immediately where they should go. But, she did not know what a volcano is, so I had to explain that to her. Neither one of us was exactly sure where to put a glass of lemonade. It is a cold item, but you drink it when it is hot outside ... so which poster should it go on?

What I thought was most enlightening for me was Catherine's struggle with the tape dispenser. I do not think it is an exaggeration to say she used five times as much take as was necessary. She just could not figure out how to pull out a small amount of tape and rip it on the jagged edge. So, she started using scissors. Maybe after a few more "cut and tape" projects her tape skills will improve.
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