Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sisterly Love

Our nighttime routine is relatively simple: get girls undressed, bathed, then redressed, brush teeth, make formula for Catherine, give her medicines, read a book, pray, hook Catherine up to the feeding pump, put kids in bed, and turn on their DVD players so they can watch 30 minutes of Barney, Mickey Mouse, or whatever they choose. Then, we leave the room. One of us returns 30 minutes later. Most of the time the girls are both sound asleep so we just turn their DVD players off.

Last weekend (actually a week ago) we went to family camp at Camp Twin Lakes, where we all stayed in a cabin together. The cabins contained 12 twin beds and a concrete floor, so we took two of the mattresses off the beds and put them on the floor for the girls (we didn't want them rolling off). We slept in other beds across the room.

We did the above bedtime routine about the same as we always do. Then we laid down and read while they watched their DVD.

We both gasped with joy when we heard Catherine's sweet little voice say to her sister "Good night, Sabrina." It was so cute! We (Robby and I) started talking about how sweet it was that Catherine told her sister "good night."

Then, this last weekend we went to Gatlinburg and again all stayed in the same room - this time, a hotel room. Of course we tried to keep the bedtime routine as much the same as we could.

Imagine our surprise when, while they were watching their DVD, we heard Sabrina say in her babyish, barely understandable speech "Night, night, Cat-Cat."

Wow! We had no idea that they tell each other "Good Night" in their bedroom by themselves. It was such an interesting glimpse into how they treat each other when we are not there. I am so glad they seem to have such a loving, close relationship and pray that it stays that way forever!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Oh, that is so heartwarming!
About the Yellow River Game Ranch we enjoyed being out in nature and seeing different animals but they were overly stuffed by the time we got there because it was late in the day. It is a long trail so you can spend 1 - 1.5 hrs if you take your time. I would say it is sort of like an extended version of a petting zoo but with some animals that you can't pet. All of their animals are rescued. I can't remember how much it cost but I don't think it was too expensive.