Monday, March 9, 2009

Dual Brain MRI's

Both girls got brain MRI's in December - Catherine because of her brain tumor, and Sabrina just for a check. Thankfully, both girls had clear scans!! Catherine is so experienced in hospital practice that she shows every nurse her "bracelet" so they can check her ID. The blue bracelets indicate the child's identity and medical record number. The red bracelets indicate allergies. Both kids are allergic to eggs (a derivative is used in some sedatives used at the hospital). I don't know why you can't see Catherine's red bracelet - maybe it is on her other hand.
The hospital was great because they scheduled the MRI's at the same time for us. We even shared a room. Catherine is, of course, a pro at medical procedures. I wonder if it was easier on Sabrina because her big sister was there and going through the same procedure.
Catherine has taken off her oxygen sensor - a common occurrence for her. She tries to speed up the exams and procedures by helping the nurses.
Now Catherine has moved her oxygen sensor to her toe - I guess she didn't want it on her finger.
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