Monday, December 6, 2010

Advent - Day 5

Last night we went to our church's Christmas festival (hence Catherine's face paint) and then came home to open envelope Number Five. I think the girls are excited about this activity because Catherine asked about the envelope all day. What was in it? Will we have hot chocolate again? Will I pick her up to get it down? When will we open it?

Today was extra special because the card matched her shirt:

I did not take pictures of my children actually bathing, but I did take a picture of the candles:

I originally put the candles on the side of the bathtub, but Sabrina would not stop blowing them out. She thought it was hysterical. After the bath, they insisted on getting dressed and brushing their teeth by candlelight too. Then they took turns blowing out the candles.

This morning Catherine wanted to get dressed by candlelight too, so I guess this activity was a hit!
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