Sunday, October 17, 2010

Touching the Sun

Sabrina is learning colors, so we frequently play a game of naming things that are a particular color. A few days ago, the color we discussed was yellow. So the girls gave the expected answers: banana (Sabrina always names a food when we play this game), lemon, Big Bird ...

Catherine said "the sun." I said "yes, you're right."

Catherine said "Can I touch the sun?" I said "No, it is too hot and too far away. You would burn your hand."

She said "I can touch the moon. But it is not yellow. It is cold." How does she know the moon is cold?

I said "Yes, you can touch the moon, except it is very far away."

Catherine said "I can fly in a plane and go touch the moon." She is such a good problem solver!

So I said "Actually, Catherine you will need to fly in a spaceship to get to the moon. It is too far to take a plane." I thought about trying to explain the concepts of the Earth's atmosphere and outerspace, but decided I did not know enough about that topic to handle too many questions.

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