Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sabrina's Desk Work

Sabrina has just turned 3. Actually, she has not had her third birthday party yet, so she will tell you she is still 2. I tried to explain to her that she is 3 and she argued with me that she had no party, no cupcakes, no presents, and no song. She made some good points. I tried to explain that whether she had a party or not, December 27th passed, so she is a year older. She started crying, so I changed the subject.

In any event, Sabrina wants to do whatever her bigger sister does. So, he got her own desk for Christmas so she can do her work while Catherine does hers. They are still developing the skill of minding their own business. I have to separate them several times a day and send them back to their own desks.

My goals with Sabrina are fairly modest:
- keep her occupied while Catherine is doing desk work
- get used to the idea of sitting still and doing her own work
- develop some skills with using a pencil or other writing implement

We did not start Sabrina doing desk work until the first week of January. I am quite pleased that she is gaining good writing skills fairly quickly. Today I also gave her a tracing and matching worksheet for the first time, which she did:

Normally I write her name for her so she will start to learn her name, but I forgot so Catherine wrote her name for her.

Here is a simple pre-writing worksheet I found. Sabrina is pretty good at these:

Catherine drew the princess smily face on Sabrina's worksheet.

Some more worksheets which teach pencil (in this case, color marker) control with different types of movement:

Sabrina likes these types of worksheets the best because she connects two pictures:

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