Friday, March 12, 2010

"No, That is Not Pink"

On Wednesday I had the privilege of taking Catherine to the store to get her some new clothes. I was so thrilled that she has outgrown so many of her clothes that she actually needed new clothes - because she has always been such a slow grower, this was exciting for me. Also, I have usually just gone to the store and purchased clothes for her while she was at school. This time, we had spent the morning at the ENT doctor and so we were together in the afternoon to shop - a great mother-daughter time.

I find it curious that I am always learning about my children. I had no idea that Catherine had such strong feelings about her clothes.

When I handed her dresses I picked out for her, she would say "No, that is not pink" and hand it back to me if it wasn't pink. I had to argue with her (in the store) to get her to try wearing clothes in a different color besides pink. I was so shocked that I had to argue with a four year old about clothes. I thought we wouldn't have these arguments until she was in at least middle school.

I was able to get her to get a blue & yellow dress with butterflies and a purple/green/yellow plaid dress. But Catherine really prefers pink. It is taking some effort to make her branch out.

She is very feminine and would not let me buy her any pants. "Only skirts and dresses, OK Mommy." Why is she so against wearing pants? I think it is because she looks up to princesses so much and princesses always wear dresses.

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