Saturday, May 30, 2009

Mascot Fear

Catherine has had almost no fears - with all of her medical experiences, she has been so tough and has never expressed fear. Sure, there are things she does not like and expresses a lot of displeasure and pain during medical procedures, but she has always been tough and dealt with whatever comes her way. Plus, she is extremely sociable and loves everyone she meets. She has freely walked into the arms of nurses, therapists, doctors, etc.

But, for some unknown reason, Catherine is afraid of mascots. We have noticed this at places we have visited in the past - like the Georgia Aquarium. We were hoping that she would overcome her mascot fear by this trip. But alas, she was still afraid. On the first night at the Give Kids the World Village, we met Mayor Clayton, the rabbit who "runs" the Village. Catherine would not approach him without being held, and was leery of standing near him.
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