Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Math Posters

One goal I have for home schooling is to make it fun and exciting (who wouldn't?  Plus, when the girls get bored they refuse to do work, and we end up fighting).  This is easier to do with unit studies for science, history and social studies.  With language arts and reading, we can do projects and act out the books we have read.  But with math, it is harder to get creative.  So much of math is rote memorization at this level.  So, I am always seeking ways to make math more exciting.

My girls love arts and crafts, so I printed out some "posters" which I found on teachers blogs.  These posters are meant to be printed in color and hung up in a classroom.  We have a color printer, but I think it is in the basement somewhere.  So, I printed them out in black and white and had the girls color them in with glitter glue (which they love to use and is not as messy as real glitter).

These two posters were about odd and even numbers.  I explained the lesson to Catherine, and I think she got it.  We then hung them up in the room.  The girls really do look at the posters a lot and use them as references. 

Even Sabrina refers to her past work.  When she and I were doing an alphabet puzzle a few days ago, I told her what sound each of the letters make and asked her to tell me a word which started with that letter.  When we got to "F" she said "Wait Mommy and ran over to the worksheet she had done about the letter F and then told me what pictures were on that page."

Here is Catherine making her Even Number poster with glitter:

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