Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Toddler Humor

Recently Catherine has become a comedian. Well, an aspiring comedian. I assume her classmates tell each other jokes at school and that is where she has learned the "art" of joke-telling. What is interesting is that she knows the technicalities of telling a joke but has not developed a sense of humor yet. Her favorite joke-type is the knock-knock joke. Here are some examples:

Catherine: Knock knock!
Me: Who's there?
Catherine: Snow!
Me: Snow who?
Catherine: Snow White! (followed by uproarious laughter from her)

Catherine: Knock knock!
Me: Who's there?
Catherine: Pepperoni!
Me: Pepperoni who?
Catherine: Pepperoni pizza!! (followed by massive giggles)

These jokes are so "funny" Catherine will tell them 5-10 times every day, cracking herself and her sister up every time.

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