We used the autograph books which we got from Disney World at Universal Studios (there were tons of empty pages and I was too cheap to buy two more autograph books for a second theme park). The girls LOVED having the mascots sign their books. In this case The Man In The Yellow Hat signed the books for himself and for George. At least that is what I always called that character.
When I got the book back, I saw that he had written "Ted" and "George." I asked one of the mascot handlers who "Ted" was. He said that Universal decided to give that character a name for the movies and chose "Ted."
Universal Srudios was having a Mardi Gras party while we were there. So, everywhere we turned the girls got bead necklaces and a lot of the characters were wearing yellow, purple and gold.
So cute:
1 comment:
Have you guys seen the Curious George movie? It is too cute...they had to give him a name when they decided to make a full length movie. It is a whole movie about how the man with the yellow hat comes to find and know George. I recommend it if your kids like Curious George a lot.
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