Friday, January 7, 2011

Princess Hands

While we were waiting to meet the princesses, I reminded the girls that we would meet the princesses and that we would try to take a formal looking picture with them. That the girls should stand like little princesses, next to the big princess.

They asked me how princesses stand, and so I on the spot had to make up an answer. I showed them a quick pose, which they copied:

We began to call this pose "princess hands." Catherine does her hands very well, but her smile is quite erratic. Sometimes she has an awesome smile. But, if she tries to smile too much it doesn't look that good. She reminds me of Robby. Both of them have their best smiles if they keep their lips closed and don't think about it so much.

Catherine's right eye is completely functional, even though it looks a little unusual. As soon as things settle down with her medical issues (still waiting after 5 and a half years), the opthamologist said we can consider cosmetic surgery to improve the look. Of course we have had so many other issues which were higher priorities.

Sabrina was blessed with a great intentional smile. It is wide and cheerful. Of course her huge brown eyes add to her happy countenance:

Sabrina's hands were all over the place. I am not sure if she understood that I wanted her to look graceful and elegant. Of course she is only two (almost three), so she doesn't have a clue what grace and elegance are. It was cute to watch her try, though!

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