Friday, January 7, 2011

Meeting Jessie and Woody

Every day Catherine is awarded a colored dot from her kindergarten teachers, based on her behavior that day. Blue is the best, followed by green, then yellow, and finally red. She has had her share of green dots, but never yellow or red. But, we consistently tell her that we expect absolutely NO behavior problems out of her. If she gets a green dot, a poster is removed from the wall or a costume or other favored toy is removed.

But if she gets all blue dots for a whole week, she gets a fun, special activity. One week we went to see Toy Story 3, the movie, as her reward. She absolutely loved it. She talked about it a lot.

So, we were so happy when she got to meet Jessie and Woody at Disney World.

Sabrina was still a little scared and begged me to hold her.

Now Catherine says she wants to be Jessie the Cowgirl for next Halloween. I can't believe she is planning this ten months beforehand. I can't even think ten weeks ahead of time. I can barely think ten days in advance.

Here are our friends with Jessie & Woody:

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