Thursday, December 16, 2010

Advent - Day 13

Sabrina picked Day 13. We have been in the habit of getting the envelopes and opening them after dinner. I did not keep a record of what the activities were for particular days. So, I tend to be just as surprised as everyone else when the envelope is opened.

The girls love opening the envelopes and both try to read it. Catherine can make out some words. I am quite pleased to report that so far no cards have been torn, although it has been close.

This activity, Dress Fancy for Dinner, really did not work as well because we opened the envelope after dinner. I meant for all of us to put on our fancy clothes and pretend it was a special night (not that every night is not special). But, we told the girls "See, you wore your princess costumes ... those are fancy." Next year we may have to consider opening the envelopes before dinner.
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