Saturday, November 27, 2010

Yep, It's a Zip Line!!

Recently we attended a birthday party at a gym for small children. When the leaders announced it was time for the kids to ride on the zip line, all the children (including mine) ran to get in line. I doubt either one of my daughters had a clue what a zip line was, but I did. I did not see a harness and knew there was no way my girls would remember or have the strength to hold on as they zipped across the gym, dangling high above the floor.

I was quite relieved when I realized that one of the employee's jobs is to run back and forth across the gym holding the children as they zipped overhead.

So, off my girls zipped - elated:

Both girls said they wanted to go again and got back in line. But, only the birthday boy got to go twice. Now I can say my girls have experienced a zip line. Some day I may get to ride one.
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