Sunday, November 7, 2010

Some Art Projects

Recently my dad and Robby went to the car races at Talladega, leaving me with the children all day. Our kitchen has been in upheaval for awhile, so we have done very few craft projects in the last few weeks. But, the girls wanted to do some crafts while we had the whole day together.

After we did the crafts, I hung them on their bedroom door. For some reason, hanging something the kids made on the door makes them feel like they have made a genuine masterpiece. Catherine likes to use a plastic pointer we have to "teach" lessons from her artwork:

Here is the tree project the kids did (Catherine added the blue sky, green grass, and a yellow sun (which is hard to see) to hers:

I never know if the kids like the projects I think up. However, I am pretty sure Catherine liked the fruit tree collage she made because the next day she asked if we could make another one (I had trouble thinking of 4 more types of fruit trees - but then after I was done I thought of peach):

We also used stickers to spell the girls' names:

These projects have been on the door for a week. I suggested that we take them down so we could hang up new projects, but the kids said no. I am debating if I should just take them down in the middle of the night and hope they don't notice or if I should do another project and hope they would rather display that one.

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