Monday, November 15, 2010

Catherine the Comedian

Recently Catherine has started telling us jokes. It is such a strange experience to have her come home and repeat things that she has heard and learned from school and friends. For example, we had the following conversation while driving:

Catherine: Knock, knock!
Me: Who’s there?
C: Pepper!
Me: Pepper who?
C: Pepperoni!!

At this point Catherine burst into hysterical laughter, cackling as much as possible while strapped into five point restraints in a car seat. Sabrina thought Catherine’s reaction was funny, and began laughing hysterically too. I wondered what was funny. I thought about explaining to Catherine that knock-knock jokes usually involve a play on the word “who.”

Then Catherine said: Daddy, knock knock!
Daddy: Who’s there?
C: Pepper!
Daddy: Pepper who?
C: Pepperoni!!

Again, hysterical laughter from both girls in the back seat.

Catherine: Let’s do it again! Mommy, knock, knock!
Me: Who’s there?
C: Pepper!
Me: Pepper who?
C: Pepperoni!!

More laughter, with some squeals thrown in.

Catherine: Daddy, knock knock!
Daddy: Who’s there?
C: Pepper!
Daddy: Pepper who?
C: Pepperoni!!

We repeated this conversation at least a dozen times. Each time, both girls cracked up like it was the funniest thing they had ever heard. I wondered if I should explain that a joke is funny the first time and loses its effect when repeated too much. But, we arrived at our destination and so it was time to end this comedic experience.

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